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Rechargeable council home repairs

You must take care of your council home and report any repairs or faults to us straight away.

Some repair works may be charged to you, for example, if:

  • you or someone in your home caused the damage -including anyone you have invited as a visitor
  • damage has been caused over time because you have not been looking after the property or an appliance
  • the issue is related to something you have installed without our permission
  • the issue is related to the way something has been installed by yourself or someone you have hired

You will also be charged if we carry out works which are your responsibility.

If you are buying your home

If you have applied to buy your home, we will only carry out the basic repairs the law asks us to do. Once you have bought your home, you are responsible for all repairs.

If we decide the repair your responsibility, we will charge you for the repair and any admin costs.

Cost of repair

The repair cost is calculated based on the contracted works schedule of rates. In some cases, a fixed price, which includes admin charges and VAT will be made and payment may be required before we carry out the repair.

In the case of urgent repairs, we will tell you the cost at the time of reporting the repair. You can choose to find your own contractor, or try to carry out the repair yourself - but this must be done to our standards.

With larger less urgent repairs, you will be given written details of the cost and be given the same options.

Where repairs for works of an unknown value are needed, an order for the repair will be placed. You will be invoiced for the cost of the works when we receive the invoice from the contractor.

Inspection after the work

If you hire a contractor or complete a repair yourself, we will inspect the work after it is done. You may be responsible for the cost of any additional work that is needed after our inspection to be needed.

Unpaid repairs

If you have not paid for the repair before it is done and do not pay when given an invoice, we will take all the steps we need to get the payment. You may have to attend a mediation panel, or we may start legal proceedings. 

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