Find a school
You can use our Family Information Directory to search for and learn about different schools and education facilities across our area.
School performance reports
Find out about the performance ratings of our schools and education establishments on GOV.UK
Parents guide to school admissions
Information to help you apply for a school place.
At school
Attendance, complains, uniforms, exclusions and more information for parents of children already in school.
School term and holiday dates
Find your child's school term, half term and holiday dates.
School transport
Your children may be able to get free transport to school depending on how far the walk is, any special needs they have and whether the walk is safe.
Free school meals
Free school meals in the BCP Council area.
Educational psychology
Our Educational Psychology Service can help children and young people (0 to 25 years) make the most out of education.
SEND Local Offer
information on services for children and young people in our area aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs, disabilities and health needs.
Inclusive Quality Mark (IQM)
Our Inclusion Quality Mark is a signal to parents that a school is working hard to accommodate students with varying backgrounds and educational needs.
Educating your child at home (Elective Home Education)
Parents can choose to take full responsibility for providing their child with a full-time, efficient education suitable to their needs. This is known as Elective Home Education (EHE).
Become a school governor
How to apply to become a school governor.
Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE)
What SACRE is, and how to view agendas and minutes from previous meetings.
Closure of Parkfield School
Following the announcement by Reach South Academy Trust of the closure of Parkfield School you can find out what support you can get and how you can get in touch.
SoundStorm Music Education and Wave Arts Education
Information about SoundStorm Music Education and Wave Arts Education.
Adult courses: Skills and Learning
Dorset's adult learning provider offers a variety of courses to further your education as an adult.
School admissions
How to apply for a school place, make a change, appeal a decision, and other useful information.
Early years SEND transition to schools support
The Area SENCO service supports early years providers in carrying out their duties as outlined in the SEND Code of Practice and the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.