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Guide to information we publish

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We are committed to open data and transparency. Open data means making the non-personal datasets we publish on our website available to everyone in a format that can be reused.

The guide

We have adopted the Information Commissioner's Office 'Model Publication Scheme'. This guide sets out the information we make available.

Who we are and what we do:

  • contact us
  • council constitution
  • elections and voting
  • find your councillor
  • how council decisions are made

What we spend and how we spend it:

  • budget book
  • council contracts over £0
  • council budgets and spending
  • payments to suppliers
  • supplying the council
  • statement of annual accounts

What our priorities are and how we are doing:

  • research
  • strategies, plans and policies

How we make decisions:

  • committee meeting agendas, reports and minutes
  • role of the cabinet
  • consultations and surveys
  • corporate strategy

Our policies and procedures:

  • feedback
  • strategies, plans and policies

Lists and registers:

Services we provide:

  • benefits
  • bins waste and recycling
  • charges for services
  • news
  • environmental health
  • Family Information Directory
  • planning applications
  • tourism
  • business support and advice
  • my life my care advice, information and support directory for adults
  • Trading Standards

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