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How to request CCTV footage

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You have the right to ask for CCTV footage of yourself. However, most CCTV footage is deleted 30 days after it has been recorded.

Request CCTV footage

You will need to complete the CCTV subject access request form to request the footage. You'll need to provide:

  • 2 official certified documents, which together show your name, date of birth and current address
  • a recent full face photo of you
  • details of the footage you want to see, for example, the date, time and location

How we'll respond

We’ll deal with your request within 1 calendar month. We might also:

  • edit the footage to protect the identity of other people
  • refuse your request if sharing the footage will put a criminal investigation at risk

If the footage relates to a crime and the police have the footage, they’ll tell you if you can see it.

If you want footage of a road traffic collision, your insurance company will have to request it.

Why we have CCTV cameras

We use the cameras to:

  • make Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole a safer and clean place to live, work and visit
  • reduce antisocial behaviour, youth nuisance, drug and alcohol misuse, and provide public reassurance
  • get evidence of environmental crimes such as graffiti, vandalism, littering and fly-tipping
  • make sure that traffic flows easily and safely through the local area streets

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