Local Plan for the Poole area
The Local Plan sets out the vision, strategies and policies for development within the area. The following planning policies make up the Local Plan for the Poole area.
Poole Local Plan
The Poole Local Plan (2018) is a strategy for the delivery of new homes, jobs and infrastructure in Poole to 2033.
Policies map
The policies map shows the allocations and designations covered by policies in the Local Plan:
The Development Plan for the Poole area also comprises the
- Joint BCP Council and Dorset Council Minerals and Waste Plans
- the Neighbourhood plans for Broadstone and Poole Quay.
Planning guidance
Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD), Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and other guidance documents provide more detailed planning guidance to support the Local Plan. These are non-statutory documents but can be a material consideration in the determination of planning applications.
BCP Parking Standards SPD
The BCP Parking Standards SPD (January 2021) provides detail on parking requirements for new development proposals and is a material consideration when determining planning applications within the BCP Council area.
Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework
The Dorset Heathlands Planning Framework 2020-2025 SPD (2020) and reference list sets out a strategy under which planning applications for residential development can be determined and avoid adverse effects on the integrity of the Dorset Heathlands. You can view an analysis of the effectiveness of the strategy since its introduction in 2007.
Residential development within 400 metres of the heathlands is strictly controlled and mitigation is necessary between 400 metres and 5km of heathland. This is through Heathland Infrastructure Projects (HIPs) and Strategic, Access Management and Monitoring (SAMMs). HIPs are usually secured through the payment of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) but SAMMs are secured by planning obligation. You can check if your property is within 400 metres of a heathland on this map.
Dorset Heathlands Interim Air Quality Strategy
The Dorset Heathlands Interim Air Quality Strategy 2020-2025 (February 2021) aims to address the adverse effect of airborne nitrogen from increases in traffic upon the Dorset Heathlands designated sites by contributing to the achievement of the conservation objectives for air quality and in doing so, facilitate the delivery of planned development. The strategy uses Community Infrastructure Levy funds to provide mitigation avoiding the need for developers to pay planning obligations.
Poole Harbour Recreation SPD
The Poole Harbour Recreation 2019-2024 SPD (2020) and reference list sets out a strategy under which planning applications for residential development can be determined and avoid adverse effects on the integrity of Poole Harbour, by mitigating the impact of additional visitors to the Harbour that can cause disturbance to protected birds. Mitigation is provided through Poole Harbour Infrastructure Projects (PHIPs) and Strategic, Access Management and Monitoring (SAMMs). PHIPs are usually secured through the payment of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) but SAMMs are secured by planning obligation. The strategy is supported by the Poole Harbour Disturbance Study 2019/20.
Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour SPD
The Nitrogen Reduction in Poole Harbour SPD (2015) sets out a strategy under which planning applications for residential development can be determined and avoid adverse effects on the integrity of Poole Harbour by ensuring that development is nitrogen neutral. You can view a monitoring report of the mitigation provided since the strategy was introduced in 2017 to 2021. We published a position statement on the issue of Phosphates in January 2023.
Poole Town Centre SPD
The Poole Town Centre SPD (2015) provides a framework to guide development, facilitate positive change and ensure that high quality place making is embedded into future development projects in Poole Town Centre.
Sustaining Poole's Seafront SPD
The Sustaining Poole’s Seafront SPD (2015) sets out options for how the council plans to conserve, improve and invest in our seafront.
Talbot Village SPD
The Talbot Village SPD (2015) provides the framework for the future development of Bournemouth University and the Arts University Bournemouth, together with adjacent land.
Article 4 Direction: Talbot Village Houses of Multiple Occupation (HMO)
The Article 4 Direction means that in Talbot Village in the Poole area you will need planning permission to change the use of a house (Use class C3) into a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO) (Use class C4). HMOs are defined as 'small shared houses or flats occupied by between 3 and 6 unrelated individuals who share basic amenities'.
The Article 4 Directions were made under Article 4(1) of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. The Article 4 Direction came into force on 1 May 2013. For applications proposing the change of use the Poole Local Plan (2018) includes a criteria based policy to assess applications.
Heritage Assets SPD
The Heritage Assets SPD (2013) provides guidance and information to owners, occupiers, agents, developers and anyone interested in, and to help them care for, Poole’s historic environment. The SPD is supported by an illustrative guide A-M and N-Z.
Our Streets and Spaces SPD
The Our Streets and Spaces SPD (2012) sets out five guiding principles to inform and guide public space improvements in Poole. The overall aim is to create an environment that has better legibility, is safer and healthier to move about, is vibrant, functions well for all users and is greener and more sustainable in our changing climate.
Affordable Housing
The Affordable Housing SPD (2011) provides further detail on the context and evidence for affordable housing and clarifies the planning delivery process.
Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) advice note
The BREEAM advice note (2021) sets out how applicants should consider BREEAM planning policy requirements for new commercial development and the approach that should be taken to change of use applications. It also signposts relevant external information and guidance.
Storage and Collection of Waste in New Developments
The Storage and Collection of Waste in New Developments guidance note provides standards developers should apply to dealing with waste in developments.
Viability Assessment and the Affordable Housing
The Viability Assessment and the Affordable Housing Guidance (2018) provides information that we require when an applicant challenges delivery of the Poole Local Plan policy requirements for affordable housing.
Travel Plans SPG
The Travel Plans SPG (2003) provides advice on the requirements for travel plans and identifies where they are required in support of a planning application.
Street Scapes SPG
The Street Scapes SPG (2005) set out guidance on the design of the spaces between buildings.
Shoreline Character Areas SPG
The Shoreline Character Areas SPG (2004) identifies the special character of Poole's shoreline and helps ensure developmental proposals respect their setting near the coast.
Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SpDS)
The Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems SPG (2002) provides guidance for developers to incorporate SuDS into development.
A Design Code SPG
The A Design Code SPG (2001) examines the principles and process of design and provides a set of criteria for the guidance of designers and developers.
Landscape and Natural Environment Design Code SPG
The Landscape and Natural Environment Design Code (2001) provides a code for trees, open spaces, wildlife and landscape design.
Shopfronts and Shop Signs SPG
The Shopfronts and Shop Signs SPG (1998) provides a policy framework and design guidance to influence the design of shopfronts and shop signs in the Poole area.
The following selected evidence supports the Poole Local Plan:
- Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) (2015) - executive summary, final report and Poole summary
- Older peoples housing (2016)
- Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (2017)
- Poole Infrastructure Plan (2017)
- Bournemouth, Dorset and Poole Workspace Strategy (2016)
- Poole Green Belt Review (2017)
- Setting Green Infrastructure Standards for Poole (2017)
- Poole Open Space Needs Assessment (2017)
- Transport mitigation plan and appendices (2017)
- Poole Local Plan transport study and further testing (2017).
Flood risk assessment
The Local Plan is supported by a strategic flood risk assessment.
You can view the progress we are making in implementing the local plan policies on the monitoring and information page.