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Your rights as a council home tenant

When you become a BCP Homes tenant, you sign a tenancy agreement. 

As a council tenant with a secure tenancy, you have a number of rights that are set out in law in The Housing Act 1985.

If we need to make changes to your home or neighbourhood

By law, you have a right to be consulted about any proposed changes to the way we manage your home. If there are any planned changes, we will always consult with you.

Keeping your estate clean and tidy

We inspect all of our estates twice a year to make sure they are clean and tidy. This helps us identify any work or improvements that need to be done.

Making changes to your home

You do not need our permission to decorate your home if you are just making small changes such as painting or hanging wallpaper. If you want to make more substantial changes, you will need our permission.

Getting repairs done to your home

The Right to Repair Scheme ensures that small, urgent repairs which might affect your health, safety or security up to the value of £250 are done quick and easily.

Taking in lodgers or sub-letting your home

If you would like to take in a lodger or sub-let part of your home, please speak to your housing officer or sheltered housing officer first as they can give you advice on your specific circumstances.

Buying your home

You may be able to buy your home if you meet certain requirements, this is called the Right to Buy scheme.

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