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Repairs you are responsible for in your council home

We are responsible for repairing and maintaining the structure, fixtures, service/waste pipes and exterior of your council home. However, you are responsible for some minor repairs.

It is a requirement of your tenancy agreement that these repairs are done correctly.

We will carry out more repairs for elderly residents in sheltered housing. You should discuss any repair requests with your house manager or call us on 0800 028 1870.

Repairs and maintenance you are responsible for

You will be responsible for repairing and maintaining:

  • air filters and gauze air vents including filters to cooker hoods
  • any fittings, equipment or alterations installed by you (you can decorate your home without permission, if you want to make larger changes you need our permission)
  • batteries for smoke detectors unless mains supplied
  • blocked waste pipes, gullies, traps and drains - we will charge to unblock if asked to attend more than once in 12 months
  • broken window or door glass, unless you can prove it was criminal damage
  • clean window glass and frames
  • cleaning of extractor fans
  • clothes posts, rotary dryers and washing lines - we will only replace those provided for communal use
  • driveways - we do not install or maintain driveways; we are only responsible for ensuring safe access and exit through the front pathway
  • cookers and similar appliances not provided by us
  • draught excluders
  • bins and rubbish clearance - we may clean shared bins
  • electric light bulbs and fluorescent tubes, plugs and fuses to appliances
  • fencing unless it backs onto a public highway
  • garden maintenance
  • gates, gate latches and hinges
  • individual TVs and other aerials - we will only repair communal systems
  • infestations such as pigeons, ants, cockroaches, wasps, bees, mice or rats - we will only deal with those that affect communal areas
  • internal re-decoration
  • letterbox plates
  • lost or broken keys unless you can provide a Police Crime Number if stolen
  • minor cracks and holes to plaster
  • pelmets, battens and curtain fixings
  • plugs and chains to baths, sinks and basins
  • faulty outdoor taps
  • replacement/repairing toilet seats
  • replacement of internal doors including kitchen units
  • replacement of tap washers
  • replacement locks where keys have been lost
  • shower fittings
  • chimney sweeping

Fire doors

Any work completed to a fire door such as locks or letterbox must be logged and carried out in accordance with the BM trade agreed techniques. All repairs or changes to the door must be done by a suitably qualified engineer. Only fireproof locks and letterbox plates can be fitted.

We can carry out this work on your behalf and recharge the cost.

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