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Published on Thursday 11 August 2022

Now that the jack up barge is in position, ground investigation surveys are continuing over the next 3 weeks to help prepare for the upgrade and repair of the entire long groyne structure at Hengistbury Head. This structure is critical in stabilising and controlling coastal erosion in Poole Bay and Christchurch Bay.

The land based surveys are complete and the sea-based jack up barge will be working 24 hours a day to take borehole samples from five seabed locations around the groyne. All the borehole samples (on land and sea) are up to 20m in depth and enable us to assess what the ground is made up of so that we can tailor the design of the groyne to suit the ground conditions.

During this time, the area remains closed for public safety.

Councillor Mark Anderson, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Place said:

"The 83-year-old structure has been critical in stabilising and controlling coastal erosion in both Poole Bay and Christchurch Bay. Along with the beach and other shoreline structures, the long groyne helps protect local communities and infrastructure so it is vital we upgrade it so it can continue to perform effectively, particularly with the additional threat of sea level rise and an increasing number of storm events.

"Without the long groyne, beach material would rapidly wash away, and the cliffs could start to erode again. This would eventually lead to the sea breaching Christchurch Harbour at Double Dykes and Mudeford Sandbank and the impacts could extend to the Purbecks and New Forest."

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