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Published on Friday 12 November 2021

Community projects across Bournemouth and Poole have been awarded over £440,000 via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Portion Fund. The funding, which has been generated from new housing developments, is awarded to local projects to improve local community facilities.

In May this year, BCP Council invited residents, businesses and community groups in Bournemouth and Poole to submit bids for local projects which would improve, benefit and shape the development of their community.

After a process of allocation, 31 projects across 17 wards have been successful in their bid and have been awarded funding. Funding ranges from a £900 grant for the Winton Community Shed Project in the Winton East ward to just over £62,500 for Down In The Woods Pre-School in the Bearwood and Merley ward. Hamworthy Park has been awarded £24,000, whilst the kitchen at St Andrew’s Church in Boscombe has been awarded over £3,000.

Councillor Philip Broadhead, Deputy Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Development, Growth and Regeneration, BCP Council, said: "It is great to see funds raised from development have such a positive impact on local community projects. Being part of this process is really enjoyable as we know that the money allocated really does mean a lot to the projects and groups who benefit.

"The vibrancy of our communities is central to our Big Plan, so providing council funding to support local projects makes a positive contribution towards achieving our goals and ensuring the BCP area is one of the best coastal places to live in the world."

Councillor Jane Kelly, Lead Member for Communities, BCP Council, added: "The panel was so excited to see the range of really worthwhile project bids submitted for this round of Neighbourhood CIL funding resulting in a very significant amount of money moving into community groups and charities. Where there were insufficient funds to help everyone there were difficult decisions to be made. Anyone who has not had their project supported this time is encouraged to work on their bids and try again in the next round if further funds are available or look to working with neighbouring wards.

"We are now looking forward to seeing the successful projects progressing and giving much needed benefits to local communities."

The next round of funding is now open. For more information on how to submit visit-

For a full list of all the successful projects, please visit-

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