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Statement of Community Involvement

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We believe that community involvement is essential in creating and delivering inclusive, accessible and safe sustainable communities.

On 15 September 2020 we adopted a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

The SCI has replaced the three legacy authority’s SCIs with a single, consolidated document. This will enable a consistent approach to planning engagement with individuals, local communities and other stakeholders on a range of planning matters. It sets out how we will:

  • consider and determine planning applications for development and how the community can be involved in the process
  • involve and engage with the community and other stakeholders in the preparation of Local Development Plan and Supplementary Plan Documents, and other planning documents.

Planning policies will shape the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area's future and determine where we live, work, shop, spend our leisure time, how we travel around the area and what impact we have on the environment. Important decisions on how we will develop over the next 15 to 20 years have to be made and we want as many people as possible to be involved in this process. Similarly, it is important that local people are consulted on development proposals that affect their local area.

We have prepared a privacy notice to show how we will use your personal data for our planning work.

Update: Consultation on planning applications

In February 2023, BCP Council agreed a budget for 2023/24. This included the implementation of £32.9m of savings from 1 April 2023 that changes our approach to consultation on planning applications.

We will not send neighbour notification letters to properties having a common boundary to the planning application site. We will erect a site notice on or near the application site for 21 days. This change will be reflected in a future update to the SCI.

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