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Coding Club is all about free, fun, and creative computer programming for children.

Come and learn the basics of computer programming from volunteers who are knowledgeable in STEM subjects. You can create animations and games and learn new skills in a fun and creative environment. No coding experience is required.

Sessions are free and you can book a place by contacting your local library.

Current Coding Clubs happening in our libraries:

Christchurch Family Coding Club

First Saturday of every month

9:30am to 10:30am

Ages 3 to 10 (parents/guardians must stay with the child)

One-off sessions. Booking required.

A mix of programmable digital toys as well as Scratch projects.

Oakdale CoderDojo

Alternate Wednesdays (starting 19 April 2023), term time only.

4pm to 5pm

Age range Age 7 to 11 or suitable for key stage 2 (parents/guardians must stay with the child).

One-off sessions. Booking required.

Poole Family CoderDojo

Last Saturday of the month

9:45am to 10:45am

Ages 4 to 11 (parents/guardians must stay with the child)

One-off sessions. Booking required.

A mix of programmable digital toys as well as online projects.

Springbourne Family Coding

Second and fourth Tuesday of the month

5pm to 6pm

Ages 6-11 (parents/guardians must stay with the child)

Booking required.

Clubs are subject to available help from volunteers.

Places are limited and if a club is over-subscribed there is an option to add your child’s name to a waiting list.

If you’re aged 18 or over and are interested in helping to set up or run a code club, email Katy Waters, our Libraries Literacy Officer, at

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