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Mutual council home exchanges

If you live in a housing association property or a council home you can swap your home. This is known as a mutual exchange.

Mutual exchanges are an increasingly popular way for tenants to swap homes to any area in the UK.

How to mutually exchange properties

You will need to find someone suitable to swap with, for example, a suitable sized property that does not leave them overcrowded. You can exchange to a property that has one bedroom more than your assessed need.

If you are currently on benefits, we will contact you to assess affordability.

You must request an application form and this will be assessed. As part of the mutual exchange process, you will be visited by a surveyor to confirm any repairs or alterations to your property. We may ask that these are made before you proceed.

By law there is a statutory period of 42 days where the housing provider has to provide an answer to the applicant on whether the exchange is successful, delayed or cancelled.

Once references are collected and if all housing providers are in agreement, the exchange will then be confirmed to all parties and a sign-up can be done.


Homeswapper is a national home swap service for social tenants in rented property who want a house swap, flat swap or want to exchange their council property.

Exchange Locata is a website for social housing tenants looking to swap council houses, housing association homes or flats online.

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