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How you can help tackle climate change

Each day seems to bring new evidence that our activities as humans are causing the planet to get warmer. This in turn is causing changes to our climate that will be extremely harmful to our future if we don’t act now.

It’s so important that every resident plays their part by doing things differently. Through working together, we can help these improvements take place and create a better future for us all.

Check your carbon footprint

Your carbon footprint is a measure of your carbon emissions compared to everyone else. This includes energy use that you build up when you travel or use electricity, but it also includes the energy produced in making the food you buy or the services you use.

The WWF calculator takes your emissions of greenhouse gases and creates your carbon footprint.

Climate Essentials

Through our portion of funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, we can provide a year’s free access to Climate Essentials to businesses based within Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

Available to all businesses from any sector and of any size, Climate Essentials is an online platform that allows users to create bespoke carbon reduction plans by measuring their carbon impact and targeting areas for carbon savings.

You can sign up to Climate Essentials, or contact the Economic Development team at for more information.


You may be eligible for the Local Energy Action Scheme (LEAP) which gives you free help and gadgets to help cut down your energy bills.

Find more tips and advice on making your home more energy efficient.


By making more sustainable travel choices you can improve your wellbeing, get healthier and reduce your air pollution – all while saving time and money.

Bike Share with Beryl offers 1000 bikes and 219 bays in the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole area.

If you have space in your car or you are looking to share with someone else, Car Share Dorset is available in the community.

More Bus run bus routes all across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

If you are thinking of changing to an electric vehicle, there are electric vehicle charging points in the BCP Council area.

For more information about travel options in the local area please visit the Getting About website.


Home composting your waste is great for your garden and provides nutrient rich-food for your plants and flowers. You can make your home a habitat for wildlife or make your garden more environmentally friendly. The National Trust, the Wildlife Trust and the RSPB have further advice.


There are many ways to reduce, reuse and recycle your waste. Here are a few ideas:

  • avoid single-use plastics
  • take a refillable bottle to work or while travelling
  • avoid single use cutlery for BBQs, picnics or parties
  • find alternative uses for things you usually throw away
  • upcycle old items into something new
  • take old items to new to you in Poole
  • recycle the things you can't use

Here are 5 easy ways to reduce your waste.

Doing things differently

Fighting climate change is also about our behaviours and lifestyle choices.

  • adding meat free days into your diet
  • use a climate change food calculator to see your impact
  • buy locally sourced produce
  • take your own bags with you in shops and supermarkets
  • use paper bags for your fruit and veg

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