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Home security


Most burglars are opportunists and they will look for unlocked doors or opened windows to get in. Distraction burglary is when someone comes to your front door to keep you busy while an accomplice tries to get into your home.

Age UK has information on how to keep your home secure.

The local neighbourhood policing team at your local police station also offer advice.

Neighbourhood Watch Schemes play a vital part in preventing crime. Statistics show that you are less likely to be burgled if you belong to this scheme.

Age UK's handyperson service can check the security in your home. They can fit window locks and door chains.

Rogue traders and doorstep sellers

Rogue traders are dishonest tradespeople who turn up unannounced and try to persuade you to buy a product or service. Doorstep sellers will try to persuade you to buy goods you may not want or need.

If you feel you are being pressured into having work done or buy goods you do not want, ask the trader to leave. It is an offence for the trader to stay at your home once you have asked them to leave. If you feel at all threatened by the trader then telephone 999.

Action Fraud have information about how to keep yourself safe from fraud and what to do if you are a victim of fraud.

Finding a trader you can trust

There are three ways you can find a trader you can trust;

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