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Speed limits and enforcement

When reviewing speed limits, we have to consider various factors which are listed in the DFT guidance.

An inappropriate limit tends to be disregarded by drivers, so careful consideration must be made to set the right limit for a particular stretch of road. We cannot introduce a speed limit for a single location.

Requests for amendments to an existing speed limit must be made through to us by email to

Addressing concerns about speeding

We have various methods to address concerns about speeding, these include vehicle activated signsCommunity Speed Watch and Slowdown signs. To request a Slowdown sign which can be installed at any location for up to one month email

Enforcing speed limits

Dorset Police are responsible for enforcing speed limits. If you believe that there is a genuine speed issue, with vehicles speeding on a regular basis then you should report it to the local police.

Further information and advice about speed limits and penalties:

More information about road safety.

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