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Published on Tuesday 03 September 2019

A number of major planning policy reports which will shape the long-term strategy for the future of Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole will be considered by BCP Council next week (11 September 2019).

Cabinet Members will discuss the start of developing the first BCP Council Local Plan, a strategy setting out the vision for the area, and the policies which will guide future planning decisions across Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole.

BCP Council has a legal requirement to produce and adopt a BCP Council Local Plan within the next four years. This will eventually replace the local plans adopted by the preceding councils.

At the meeting, Cabinet Members will be asked to approve an initial six-week consultation to identify possible issues that will need to be addressed through the BCP Council Local Plan, as well as invite anyone with a potential development site to submit it to the BCP Council for consideration. This will help identify what level of land is available across Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole.

Councillor Margaret Phipps, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Strategic Planning, BCP Council, said; "Producing a BCP Council Local Plan presents a fantastic opportunity for local communities to shape the future of their area. We know that people are drawn to Bournemouth, Christchurch & Poole for the unique identities of the towns and the wonderful landscape of the region, and we need to ensure we put in place measures to protect sensitive areas whilst balancing the need for development required to accommodate future generations."

Cabinet Members will be asked to approve the BCP Council Local Development Scheme which sets out key milestones in the development of the BCP Council Local Plan. This is a statutory document which outlines a timeline for the production of the BCP Council Local Plan, and other planning policies, including supplementary planning documents, neighboured plans, and a community infrastructure levy.

A report setting out how and when the Council will consult and engage on planning applications will also be discussed by Cabinet Members. The Statement of Community Involvement details how BCP Council will engage with local communities on plans that could affect them. Whilst the preceding councils were consistent on plan preparation there are key differences with public engagement including how residents are informed of planning applications in their area. The proposals being considered by Cabinet Members include a number of options which are all based on implementing a fair and consistent approach to planning engagement across Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.

If approved a six week public consultation on the Statement of Community Involvement, and the BCP Council Local Plan Issues and Call for Sites exercise will go ahead on 7 October 2019.

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