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How to pay your council home rent

You should pay your rent and charges in advance. There are multiple ways you can pay.

Online payment

You can pay online with a debit card or credit card.  Have your payment reference ready. 

Please note that when using this payment method, it will show on your bank statement (regardless of type of payment) as: ‘Online payment BCP Council’.  

Direct Debit

Direct Debit is the easiest way to pay your rent. Once the Direct Debit is set up, your rent money will be taken automatically from your bank account.   

To set up a Direct Debit please call us on 0800 028 1870 with your bank account number and sort code.

We recommend you check your statement regularly to make sure payments are going out correctly. We will let you know of any change to your payment in advance.

Standing order

Set up a standing order for a fixed amount and date to pay your rent. You must remember to tell your bank if the amount of your rent changes.  

You will need to use this information when you set up your standing order:  

  • account name: BCP Council – Income
  • sort code: 20-68-95
  • bank account number: 20627437
  • your rent payment reference

If your rent or service charge changes, you are responsible for making the changes to your payments with your bank.

Pay by phone

Call 01202 672 932 to make a secure, debit or credit card payment on our 24-hour automated payment service.

If you use a credit card to pay your rent and do not pay your credit card bill, your bank will charge you interest.  

Rent payment card

You can request a rent payment card by calling us on 01202 672 932. The card allows you to make payment at a number of retail outlets. The card does not hold any details other than your name and reference number so there is no need to worry about losing it.

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