Making a difference to the lives of children and young people living in, attending school or visiting Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.
Becoming a child-friendly place in every local community and in every post code.
The children and young people's partnership is an alliance of leaders of organisations from across the Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole (BCP) area, that support children and young people to stay safe and achieve the best possible outcomes.
Its mission is to bring together representatives of everyone involved in supporting and safeguarding children and young people in the BCP area. To focus on improving outcomes for all with particular focus on effecting positive changes for the life chances of the most vulnerable. To achieve this through fostering collaboration through system leadership and holding each other to account.
We want to ensure that all children and young people are:
- Fulfilled - children and young people have the opportunities and are supported to achieve their full potential in education, learning and future employment
- Happy - children and young people can enjoy healthy lifestyles and make positive choices
- Included - children and young people are accepted as valued members of society enabling them to achieve within, and contribute to, the wider community
- Resilient - children and young people are supported to be resilient in the face of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic
We know that by working together, we can change children and young people's lives for the better more effectively. The partnership brings together a range of partners including:
- education
- local authority
- health
- police
- community and voluntary sector
Along with other organisations responsible for services for children, young people and families.
Children and young people's plan
The plan sets out how we will make a difference to the children and young people in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole between 2021 and 2024. At the heart of our plan is co-production and inclusion.
Children's Services Action Plan
Children’s services in BCP faces great challenges. It must improve quickly. We have identified 7 obsessions that will remain everyday obsessions until they form our culture.
SEND Learning and Improvement Plan
The BCP SEND and Inclusion Strategy was informed by what children and young people with SEND and their families have said needs to improve, our Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for SEND, our self assessment and best practice elsewhere. The strategy sets a strategic vision for all children and young people with SEND to have brighter futures, fulfilled lives and are connected to their communities.
Children and young people's partnership membership
Members of the children and young people's partnership include:
- BCP Council
- Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group
- Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust
- Dorset Police
- Schools representatives
- Community Action Network