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Paying for care services at home

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If you qualify for services, we’ll look at your financial situation to work out how much you can afford to pay.

If your capital is less than £23,250, we may help pay towards the cost of services you need.

The cost of the services to provide the necessary care and support is known as a personal budget.

You can ask us to use the personal budget to arrange the care you need with a recommended agency.

You can also use the personal budget to organise and fund your own care, if you’d prefer to make your own arrangements. This is known as a direct payment personal budget.

You can also make your own arrangements if:

  • your needs are not eligible for our support
  • the amount of your funds means you do not qualify for financial assistance

You can get independent financial information and advice available from the Society of Later Life Advisers.

Maximum contribution

If you have savings of over £23,250, you must pay the full amount - the maximum contribution.

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