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Equipment and adaptations to your home

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Home adaptations

You may struggle to live safely and independently at home because of a disability or your old age. Our fact sheet contains information about changes you can make to your property to make your life easier, and we may be able to help you pay for them to help you stay independent at home.

Occupational therapists

An occupational therapist will visit you at home to assess the difficulties you have with day-to-day living.

They advise on options to help, which includes equipment to help you at home and adaptations to your home that can help with how you access, move around within, and use the rooms.

How to pay for changes to your home

Adaptations to your home can be paid for in a variety of ways, the funding options will change if the change is considered a minor or major adaptation.

Minor adaptations

Adaptations are considered minor if they cost up to £1000.

Examples of minor adaptations:

  • handrails by the toilet
  • banister rails
  • handrails to help home access
  • alterations to steps and access ramps (if under £1,000)

Sources of funding for minor adaptations include:

  • Yourself
  • If your home is owned by BCP Council or Poole Housing Partnership (PHP), that organisation is responsible for funding any adaptations and would need to agree to this.
  • If your home is owned by a housing association, they may agree to fund any minor adaptations you may need.
  • Adult Social Care

Major adaptations

Major adaptations cost £1000 and above.

Examples of major adaptations:

  • Stairlifts
  • replacing a bath with a shower if you are unable to carry out personal care
  • alterations to steps and access ramps (if over £1,000)

Sources of funding for major adaptations include:

  • Yourself
  • Charity funding
  • A Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) administered by the Grants Team in Housing at BCP Council
  • A housing association
  • If your home is owned by BCP Council or Poole Housing Partnership (PHP), that organisation is responsible for funding any adaptations and would need to agree to this

You may qualify for a Disabled Facilities Grant to help pay for any major adaptations needed.

The occupational therapist will assess your needs and make recommendations. If you qualify for a grant, they can help you to apply for this financial assistance.

Apply for a home needs assessment

Get in touch with our Adult Social Care Contact Centre to ask for an assessment of your needs by one of our Occupational therapists.

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