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Our customer charter

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Every day we do our best to serve people living in the BCP area.

Our commitments to you

We are passionate about our communities and take pride in what we do.

We will treat you with respect

We will listen to you and respond to you professionally and with kindness.

We are passionate about our communities

We will help to resolve your query and achieve the best outcomes that we can for you. We will support you in connecting with your community.

We will treat you fairly

We value diversity and will never knowingly discriminate against you. We recognise different communication needs and will make reasonable adjustments to support you to communicate with us.

We value integrity in the way we work

We will be honest with you and take responsibility for our actions.

We take pride in how we support you

Whether this is resolving a query or achieving the best outcomes that we can for you.

What we ask of you

Help us provide you with the services that you need.

Treat us with respect

We will treat you with respect, we ask for the same in return. We understand that in times of trouble or distress, people may act out of character. You can ask us to contact you at another time if you are finding a conversation difficult.

Help us so that we can help you

It benefits everyone when we can work efficiently, please try to find the answer to your query before contacting us. It helps us if you keep to appointments or let us know if you need to cancel.

Please be patient

Sometimes it can take time for us to give you the information or support you need. We may need to talk to colleagues in other areas before we can answer some queries. If we need to call you back, we will agree a reasonable time frame with you.

Communicate with us

If you don’t know who you want to speak to or don’t have their contact details, you can use our Adult social care contact centre to get in touch with us. Our contact details are included on the letters and emails we send you.

We are not expected to respond to customers contacting us outside of work, such as through our personal social media profiles.

We do not tolerate abuse

Behaviour, language, or communication that is threatening, violent, or abusive will not be tolerated. This includes:

  • discrimination
  • harassment
  • or hate crimes

If you behave in this way, we can end the meeting, visit, or conversation. However, we will let you know first that we may do this. We may also:

  • record information about incidents and share this with other parts of the council
  • limit how you can communicate with us and/or
  • report abuse to the police

We have a duty to protect the welfare and safety of its staff. We should be able to work without fear of abuse, harassment, discrimination, or violence.

If you would like this charter in another language or format, please contact to request this.

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