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Published on Tuesday 07 May 2024

BCP Council wants your views on the library service it delivers for Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole.


This is your chance to have your voice heard and help inform the development of BCP Council's first-ever library strategy. We want to know how you currently use the library service and what you hope to see in the future.


Even if you're not currently using the library service, we want to hear from you! Let us know what's preventing you from using the service so we can make it better for everyone.


Matti Raudsepp, Head of Customer and Property, said: “This is the first, but very important step in the process of BCP Council developing a Library Strategy. It is vital we hear from library users - including our residents who use the Home Library Service, along with the voices of children and young people and those residents who do not currently use their local library. If you don’t use your local library, tell us why not!”


Cllr Andy Martin, Portfolio Holder for Customer, Communications and Culture said : “I passionately believe that our libraries must continue to play an absolutely central role at the heart of our communities, and they should become more important than they have ever been. I am committed to ensuring that our libraries meet the needs and expectations of our community.

"This survey is a valuable opportunity for residents to have their voices heard and help shape the future of our library service. I encourage everyone to take part and share their thoughts and ideas."


You can take part in the survey by visiting There are three online surveys available for people to complete; one aimed at adults and two designed for children and young people (one for aged 9 and under and one for aged 10+). Users of the home library service will receive their survey directly.


Paper copies of the survey are also available at every BCP Library and there is also an easy-read version of the survey which can be made available upon request.


Don't miss your chance to have your say and join us in shaping the future of our library service. The survey closes at 23:59 on 18 June 2024.




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