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Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) service

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How to respond to allegations of abuse within your staff

If the situation falls below the threshold criteria then a senior manager or Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) should conduct an internal investigation and consult with their HR Manager. If the incident or allegation appears to meet the threshold criteria, then the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) service must be immediately contacted at:

01202 817 600

If the LADO agrees that this matter meets the threshold, then a written referral form will need to be completed, so that all required information is made available to the LADO. This contact must occur within 24 hours.

You will be expected to assist in a formal investigation process, as agreed and arranged in a formal Initial Evaluation Meeting (IEM), attended by all relevant multi-agency partners. You will be asked to assess, monitor and review the situation in consultation with other staff members. It is important that you do not interview the victim or staff member unless agreed at the IEM meeting, as this might damage crucial evidence and compromise a police or children’s social care investigation.

Agreement will be required on how best to inform birth parents or significant adults.

The senior manager or DSL responsible for the employed person is required in law to make a barring application to the Disclosure Barring Service (DBS). All records sent to the DBS will be circulated to the accused and their legal representatives. These records need to be redacted of any third-party information before the application is made.

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